Order Entry - Tender Offer (Individual)

Eligibility Notification

Eligible participants in an NPM company—sponsored Tender Offer or other liquidity program are notified via email by npm@secondmarket.com.

Once participants complete instructions within the email by activating their account and setting up Two Factor Authentication, events will be accessible on the NPM platform.

Accessing the Event

You can access the event in the Live Programs section by clicking the blue “Access” button.

Non-Disclosure Agreement

After account activation, you'll be prompted to sign a non-disclosure agreement for confidentiality purposes.

Welcome Message and Document Review

  1. After clicking “Accept Agreement” on the non-disclosure agreement, you'll land on the offering's homepage. Here, you'll find a welcome message and a high-level summary of the offering.
  2. Before proceeding, navigate to the Data Rooms section on the left-hand side to thoroughly review the documents related to the Tender Offer. Please note that documents are non-downloadable and watermarked for security purposes.
  3. To review your holdings, click the "Holdings" tab.
  4. To find important contact information, view the event timeline, and explore frequently asked questions, click the "FAQs" tab.
  5. Once you've reviewed the Tender Offer terms, you may click "Get Started."



You will be asked to acknowledge that you have accessed all the offering documents, are informed to make decisions in this transaction, and consent to the electronic delivery of documents.

Step 1: Place an offer

  1. This will show the quantity and vested quantity that you can sell from. Please note this is subject to reduction on a pro-rata basis in the case of an oversubscription. There may be other oversubscription methods that may reduce the amount of the final filled quantity.
  2. If you have multiple holdings, you will be asked to select a Priority for each holding. Priority levels are in place in case of an oversubscription.
  3. If you select Priority 1: This indicates the units you would like to sell from first. Priority 2 would indicate the units you would like to sell from second, and so on.
  4. When you have finished selecting the quantity and priority for each holding, you may click “Submit Offer”.



An order summary will follow for you to review. After reviewing thoroughly and confirming the order summary is accurate, please click “Continue Submission”.

Step 2: Personal Information

  1. Enter your First Name, Last Name, Address, and Phone number.
  2. If you need to change your personal information, please click “Update Personal Information.”

Step 3: Spousal information

  1. If you select “I have a spouse”, your spouse may be asked to sign documentation to complete your order.
  2. You will be asked to provide the First Name, Last Name, and Email Address of your spouse.
  3. If you do not have a spouse, please select “I do not have a spouse” and click “Save.”


Step 4: Individual Tax ID

You will be asked to provide your Individual Tax ID information. If you have questions regarding this step, please contact your tax advisor.

Step 5: Government Issued ID

You will be asked to provide a Government Issued form of Identification (e.g., driver's license, state ID, passport).


Step 6: Payment Instructions

You will be asked to provide payment instructions.

  • We accept US banks, non-us banks, credit unions, and brokerage accounts.
  • Proceeds will be sent via wire transfer in US dollars from a US bank account.
  • Please ensure the account entered accepts wire transfers in US dollars.



Step 7: Document Signing

We are fully integrated with DocuSign. The information you entered on the platform will automatically populate within the document. Please make sure to click “Finish” upon completing the DocuSign.


Completion and Verification

After signing, click "Complete Submission."


Order Overview and Status

After completing the signature process, you'll be redirected to an Overview page to review your submission progress. Your identity verification status will be "pending". This usually takes about a day or so for our team to verify your submission. Once confirmed, a green checkmark will appear. If there are any issues, our team will reach out to you directly.


Order Modification or Cancellation

At any time before expiration, you can modify or cancel your order by clicking the red trash can icon next to the "More Details" button, then click Cancel Submission”.

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