Password Reset

If you are trying to log into the NPM Platform and cannot remember your password, please refer to the following steps.

              I. Navigate to the NPM login screen at Then click on Forgot Password.

Password Reset 01.png

              ii. Enter your Email or Username, then click Next.

Password Reset 02.png

              iii. To get a verification email click on Send me an email.

Password Reset 03.png

              iv. Navigate to your email and find the Okta email that you triggered in your inbox. Then click on the reset password link.

Password Reset 04.png

              v. Next enter the answer to your security question that you previously created then click on Verify

Password Reset 05.png

              vi. Enter your new password, then re-enter your new password

              vii. Finally, hit reset password and you will be able to log into the NPM Platform with your username and password

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